Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Two DeeDee and Dooley's Potty Progress Game Giveaways!

DeeDee & Dooley's static cling daily potty progress game!Right now you have the chance to try to win your very own DeeDee and Dooley's Potty Progress Game! 
DeeDee and Dooley's Potty Progress Game has two different giveaways going on.
They are searching for the happiest potty training board on Pinterest
Dooley's "PASS THE POTTY PARFAIT" Contest!
To get more info about both giveaways head HERE.
*Picture is not mine it's from here*
Amber's Siggy

Monday, August 25, 2014

Save on DeeDee & Dooley's Potty Progress Game!

Photo: This is one doozie of a coupon! Not just $5 off your order, but off EACH set, so think of all the potty training parents you know and save with flat rate s/h!
Right now you can save $5 off not just your order, but off each set of DeeDee & Dooley's Potty Progress Game!  So go grab all the potty training parents you know and save with flat rate shipping and handling! Expires today 8/25/14!
Amber's Siggy

Friday, August 22, 2014

My Coupons/Freebies by Mail Week 25!

Week 25:
Some people wonder why I love free samples and coupons so much.  Well the simple reason is because one I like to try products before I buy them and two if I don't have a coupon I most likely will NOT buy the product without one.  
I have decide that once a week I am going to post all the free samples and coupons that I got for free in the mail here on my blog.  I am hoping that with people seeing EVERYTHING I get for free maybe it will inspire them to keep an eye on my blog and grab all the free samples and coupons I post!  Remember even if you sign up for a free sample you cannot use you can always donate it to someone who can!
(2) Lipton Iced Tea K-Cups & (1) Save $1.00 off coupon
(1) Garnier Nourishing Cleansing Oil 5ml
(6) .50 cents off Pall Mall coupons
(6) .75 off Grizzly coupons
(1) $4.00 off USA Gold Carton, (1) $1.50 off three packs of USA Gold, (1) $1.00 off two packs of USA Gold & (1) .75 cents off one USA Gold coupons
(1) Purina Beyond Natural Cat food sample 6 OZ. & (1) Save $2.00 coupon
(1) Oxytrol for women 16-Day supply & (1) Save $2.00 coupon
(1) Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Pet sample, (1) Discount code & (1) $3.00 off coupon
(1) Free 13oz jar of Nutella coupon (up to $4.29)
(2) $1.00 off one pack of Newport & (2) $1.00 off two packs of Newport
(1) Free MarkTen Rechargeable e-vapor device & (1) Free pack of cartridges for your MarkTen
(1) $2.00 off a 5-pack Black & Mild & (1) .50 cent off 2 single Black & Mild coupons
(1) Save $1.50 on any one Kellogg's Cereal or Pop-Tarts coupon
(2) Nexcare bandages & (1) .55 cents off any Nexcare Bandages coupon
(1) Weleda Skin Food sample & (1) $3.00 off one Weleda product coupon
(1) Junie B. Jones book
(1) Lord, Teach Me to Pray book
(2) Bayer "Coupon Books" save up to $15 *Company I wrote*
(2) $1.00 off two Apple & Eve products & (2) .50 cents off one Apple & Eve Product coupons *Company I wrote*
(9) Variety of Amy's coupons *Company I wrote*
(4) .50 cents off any Bagel Bites product coupon *Company I wrote*
(1) Sample pack of Huggies Wipes
(1) Money clip

Week 24:

(4) Folgers K-cups & (1) Save $1.00 with the purchase of any Folgers Gourmet Selections product coupon
(4) U by Kotex pads, (2) U by Kotex pantie liners & (1) $1.00 off on any 1 U by Kotex product coupon
(1) Free product coupon for one free box of RITZ Crackerfuls (up to $2.78)
(1) Free product coupon for Mama Mary's Pizza Crusts (up to $5.99) & (1) $1.00 off any 2 Mama Mary's pizza crust or pizza product coupon *Company I wrote*
(2) Save .55 cents off the purchase of any 2 Brillo Estracell Sponge product coupons & (2) Save .55 cents off the purchase of any 10ct or 18ct box of Brillo Soap pad coupon *Company I wrote*
(1) Free product coupon for MarkTen rechargeable e-vapor device
(1) Frizz Ease Polishing Serum 0.15 FL. OZ. sample, (1) Frizz Ease Touch-Up Crème 0.15 FL. OZ. sample & (1) Save $1.00 on any Jogn Frieda Frizz Ease Hair Care product coupon
(2) $2.50 off any single pouch of Bugler Cigarette Tobacco & (2) $5.00 off any two pouches of Bugler Cigarette Tobacco
(1) $3.50 off five cans of Copenhagen
(1) $1.50 off a pouch of Bugler Cigarette Tobacco & (1) $3.00 off two pouches of Bugler Cigarette Tobacco
(1) $3.00 off one carton of USA Gold, (1) $2.50 off four packs or one caton of USA Gold, (1) $1.50 off three packs of USA Gold and (1) $1.00 off two packs of USA Gold
(1) 3D Crest White Whitestrips & (1) $10.00 off one Crest 3D White Whitestrips
(2) P&G coupon books with over $11 worth of coupons
(1) Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing cloths, (1) $1.00 off on package of Cottonelle Toilet Paper & (1) Save $1.00 when you buy one package of Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths
(1) Free product coupon for Vita Coco Lemonade (up to $1.99)
(2) 1 Tablet Prilosec OTC samples
(1) Wildflower Mixture for natural landscaping
(1) New York Aquarium stickers
(1) Paws 4 Life personalized dog tag
(1) 3 OZ. Meow Mix cat food sample, (1) Save .50 cents on any size or variety of Pounce Cat Treats, (1) .75 cents off one 25lb. Fresh step cat litter & (1) Free cup of Meow Mix wet food (up to .60 cents)
(1) 2 OZ. sample of Cat Chow & (1) Save $1.00 on Cat Chow coupon
(2) Dove Oxygen Moisture Shampoo, (2) Dove Oxygen Moisture Conditioner & (1)) Save $1.50 on any one Dove Advanced hair series
(2) Truvia packet samples & (1) Save $2.00 on any Truvia Natural Sweetener
(1) L'Oreal Advance Hair care Shampoo, Conditioner and Filloxane sample pack & (1) $2.00 off Advanced haircare product coupon
(4) $5.00 off Similac "Checks"
(1) Roux Shampoo and Conditioner sample pack
(2) Suave Professionals Shampoo, Conditioner and Strengthening Cream sample pack & (2) $1.00 off on any one Suave Professionals product
(2) Tone Body wash samples & (1) $1.00 off Tone Body wash coupon
(2) Dial Lotion samples & (1) $1.00 off Dial Lotion coupon
(1) Olay body wash sample    

Week 23:
(2) Sox Kids Club kits
(1) Sheet Monster Energy Stickers *Company I wrote*
(1) Colgate toothbrush
(2) Tums Chewy Delights & (1) Tums Freshers
(1) YOGA sticker
(1) Seven week supply of align & (1) $5.00 off one align
(2) Breathe Right Strips & (1) Save $1.00 coupon
(1) LUNA Protein bar
(1) Cottonelle flushable cleansing cloths
(1) $1.50 off one Keebler Cookies or Crackers coupon
(1) Free product coupon for one Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (Max value $1.19)
(2) $1.00 off any one Pacific Foods Product coupon *Company I wrote*
(2) Save .75 cents off any one LAWRY'S item *Company I wrote*
(2) Free product coupons for Pictsweet (Max Value $4.00 each) *Company I wrote*
(4) Save .50 cents on any one Bob Evans product *Company I wrote*
(1) Dodgers 2014 Schedule
(3) $1.00 off any Style L&M
(1) $4.00 off USA Gold Carton, (1) $2.50 off 4 packs USA GOLD, $1.50 off 3 packs USA GOLD & (1) $1.00 off 2 packs USA GOLD
Week 22:
(1) Rejuvenate 2fl oz. sample & (1) Microfiber cloth
(1) IntelliDent Toothbrush Shield
(1) Garnier Fructis Marvelous Oil sample & (1) $1.00 off any Garnier Fructis treatment product coupon
(1) John Frieda Shampoo, (1) John Frieda Conditioner & (1) $2.00 off on any John Freda Luxurious Volume styling product
(1) Boomchickapop popcorn seeds & (1) Boomchickapop sign
(1) Seattle's Best Coffee sample & (1) $2.00 off coupon
(2) Total refresh cooling body cloths & (2) $1.00 off coupons
(2) Save .50 cents on any package of Bridgford Frozen Rolls, Ready-Dough or Monkey Bread
(1) Free product coupon for Fisherboy (Max value $6.99)
(5) Free Ban Totally Refresh Cooling Body Cloths coupons (Max value $3.99 each)
(2) Save .25 cents on any Blistex Lip Care Product *Company I wrote*
(2) $1.50 off one Breathe Right product *Company I wrote*
(2) $1.00 off any 5 package of Buddig 2oz original *Company I wrote*

Week 21:
(1) Libman Sponge
(1) Tide with Febreze, (1) Tide with Downy & (2) $2.00 off Tide coupons
(1) jamberry nail sample
(1) Free product coupon for Wholly
(1) Garnier nourishing cleansing oil sample 0.16 FL. OZ.
(1) Free Azteca Salad Shells product coupon (max value $2.69) & (2) .55 cents off on Azteca product *Company I wrote*
(2) Free product coupons for Mars candy (max value $1.29)
(1) Australian Lamb recipe book
(1) Free 20 oz. Coke coupon (max value $1.79)
(1) Flexitol Heel Balm sample 0.1 oz & (1) Save $1.00 off coupon
(1) 3M Petcare Bandage sample & (1) $2.00 off coupon
(3) $1.00 off 2 or more Beech-Nut or Beech-Nut Goya product coupons, (1) Save $1.00 on the purchase of three Beech-Nut jars & (1) Jar of Beech-Nut food *Company I wrote*
(1) Save $1.00 off on Nature's Bounty Optimal Solutions product & (1) Optimal Solutions Hair, Skin and Nails Gummy sample
(1) Save $2 on Sundown Naturals Adult Gummy Product & (1) Adult Gummy multivitamin sample
(1) $1.00 off a pack of Captain Black & (1) $1.50 off three packs of Captain Black coupons
(1) $3.00 off a carton of USA Gold, (1) $2.50 off four packs of USA Gold, (1) $1.50 off three packs of USA Gold & (1) $1.00 off one pack of USA Gold coupons
(1) $1.75 off a pack of Marlboro Black coupon
(3) $1.00 off on any Almay product *Company I wrote*
(3) Save .30 cents on any flavor 5.3oz Chobani Greek yogurt *Company I wrote*
(1) Free product coupon for Hungry-Man Dinner (Max Value $3.50) *Company I wrote*
(1) gsk coupon book with over $17 worth of savings *Company I wrote (Aquafresh)*
(1) Sticky note pad from Band-Aid *Company I wrote*
(2) Save $1.00 on any Children's Benadryl product coupon & (2) Save $1.00 on any one Benadryl Topical product coupon *Company I wrote*
View the previous 10 weeks here!
Amber's Siggy

201 Healthy Smoothies & Juices for Kids Review & Giveaway

Let me start with I am so excited to be sharing the recipe book 201 Healthy Smoothies & Juices for Kids with you!  Our two kids love being in the kitchen and love trying new things!  We found they are even more excited to try new things when they get to help prepare them!
I love this recipe book because, well not only does it have awesome recipes but the book starts with lots of really good information about healthy eating, tips about picky eaters and other information for making kids friendly smoothies!
Our kids loved that a lot of the recipes called for fruit and veggies!  I do the pealing and cutting of the fruits and veggies and then I would allow the kids to throw all the ingredients into the blender for our smoothies!  They would step back while I blended it all together and then they would stand with their cups ready for some tasty smoothie!
So far our entire family's favorite smoothie recipe is the Purrr-fect Pears recipe!
Purrr-fect Pears recipe:
(Four 1-Cup Servings)
1 cup romaine lettuce
2 pears, peeled and cored
1 apple, peeled and cored
1 banana, pealed
1/2 cup water
Ice cubes as needed
1). Combine all ingredients in a blender.  Blend on high until smooth.
2). Continue to blend, while pushing food onto blades with a damper if necessary, until smoothies is consistency desired!
I highly recommend heading over to Super Healthy Kids to check out 201 Healthy Smoothies & Juices for Kids!  Check out Super Healthy Kids on Facebook too!  The recipes are great for the whole family!  I love seeing my kids enjoy fruits and veggies in a new fun way!

*Some of the information in this post is from the book 201 Healthy Smoothies & Juices for Kids.  I was given permission to post from the company*

Super Healthy kids has been nice enough to offer for one lucky person to win their own copy of the recipe book 201 Healthy Smoothies & Juices for Kids!  Use the Rafflecopter below to enter!

Amber's Disclosure
No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received.  Must be 18+ to enter. This promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook and is Facebook-compliant. Winners will be notified by email from a ‘Amber's Unique Coupon Page‘ Blog member. Winners will have 24 hours to respond or risk forfeiting their prize. Prize fulfillment is the sole responsibility of the sponsor. The blogs participating may not be held liable for Sponsors who do not fulfill prize shipments.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Free Petit Healthy Dog Snack for Small Dogs!

Hurry and grab a free Petit Healthy dog snack for small dogs!  It helps clean the dogs teeth!  Head here to grab your sample!

Amber's Siggy

$1.50 off Carefree Coupon (Via Snail Mail)

Hurry and sign up to receive a $1.50 off Carefree coupon via snail mail!  Head here to sign up for your coupon!

*Picture is not mine it's from the Carefree website*
Amber's Siggy

Monday, August 18, 2014

Always Discreet Sample Pack!

Right now you can head to the Always Discreet website to pick out the free sample pack that you would like to try!  Hurry and grab your sample!

*Picture is not mine it's from the Always Discreet website*
Amber's Siggy